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My Personal PD Philosophy

Effective and engaging PD can go a long way to creating opportunities for a school community to maintain focus on their collective goals. My PD philosophy is built on collaboration & interaction where attendees are prompted to be active participants in reflection, conversation and planning, rather than the all-too-often-used "Sit & Get" sessions we have all survived over the years.


A goal of every PD agreement is to create as much of a long-term goal/relationship as possible. All too often schools and organizations bring in a speaker, tool or other resource for a one hour of one day PD session and then never follow up on that for the remainder of the year. Can you imagine if we taught class that way with your students? That one-off approach breaks just about every rule of effective learning & teaching and I specifically design my sessions to be impactful well beyond the several hours we spend together.


I have several ready-to-go sessions & programs, and I am also hapy to work with you to custom design a plan for your team to meet a specific need. Either way we will create lasting connections for you and your team, both with each other & to the topic at hand, to ensure the learning is applied and effective long after our sessions has finished.

Session Titles & Topics

Among the many potential areas of focus in professional development sessions are:

  • Assessment Philosophy & Practices

  • Teaching & Learning Best Practices

  • Effective Use of Technology

  • SEL & Mental Health & Wellness in the Classroom

  • Building Classroom Culture & Positive Student Relationships

  • Building the Ideal Education System

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